
Showing posts from March, 2012

Walking! And Noooo!

Lilleigh has been walking! Since I took this video a few days ago, she's been walking a lot more! Like across the room voluntarily! ;) Truly a toddler! She's growing so fast!!! And she's also learned to say no. But not so much because of mommy (or I don't think...) but because of Spot the Dog! Hilarious! Thankfully she says it in a sweet way. Enjoy story time.

Is He able?

Last night we started MoneyWise 2. MoneyWise is a ministry at our church, focusing on our finances and God's kingdom. It's not unlike Crown or Dave Ramsey, though from what I understand it delves deeper. MoneyWise 2 is more of a follow up to Crown, which we did years ago. One of the things we discussed our first session was trust. What does it mean to trust God? In future weeks we will discuss what it looks like practically to trust Him, but last night we really broke down the meaning of trust. Basically it boils down to: Do I believe He is good? Do I believe He is for us? Do I believe He is reliable? And do I believe He able? I should mention that this next week also happens to be the second anniversary of Austen's death and what would have been his 26th birthday. So it seems that I am seeing everything through that lens this week. And last night's teaching made me realize that three of those questions I can answer with a yes, absolutely. When Austen died, there w...

Love our pups!

We love our dog around here!

Do Everything

This is my song at the moment. Along with all of the other Jesus-loving mommas. Enjoy!

13 Months

At 13 months... She is almost walking. She walks holding onto furniture, mom and dad's hands, and her miniature wagon, which she can push. She squats on her own, though she usually doesn't realize she is doing it. She stills drinks from straw sippy cups. We have a few soft spout sippys that she will drink from, but it's confusing for her to have to tip those but not the straws... if we had more straw sippys, I'd only use those. I may just put the spout ones away...  Learning to use utensils. I know this will be a long journey! But she does sometimes scoop food onto her spoon and then sometimes that food even makes it into her mouth! Ha! Loves to swing! She's loved this since she was a newborn. Back then it was in her Fisher-Price lamb swing. Now it's in her Little Tykes swing outside or the baby swing at the park. She's content there for a good hour, but she's lucky if mom lasts 10 minutes. Loves her wagon! We go on wagon rides often. And if I nee...