Discipline is hard!
In the last few months we have had to start thinking about discipline. It really started when Lil was 10 or 11 months old I want to say (can't quite remember). She was messing with an electrical outlet cover (not to worry they ARE covered!) and I repeatedly said "no" sternly and redirected her. Yet time and time again she went back, smiled, and looked at me, waiting. That was our first experience with spanking. And she has not messed with the outlets since then. I wanted to make sure that on our first real time of testing I made an impression AND that outlets are a big no-no. At Lil's age "time out" seems pointless because unless she's in a crib, I can't make her stay some place secluded, and she doesn't understand. Plus, I don't ever want her crib to be a bad place, so I hope to avoid using it for time out. (I know people differ on this stance. No judgment.) For discipline, we really need an immediate consequence. This may be a spank on th...