
Showing posts from January, 2010


Fortunately, my husband's uncle is a vet, and in the past year of owning our first (and BEST) dog, I have called him no less than ten times. We've dealt with a bloody nail, the dog-like chicken pox, and a looong battle with fleas. Having a vet in the family has come in handy. Something he has told me almost every time we've talked is, "Dogs are just like kids. There's always something." Since he has 3 kids, I figure he's credentialed to say that and just trust him. Yesterday I took Brendon to work and decided to let Sammy ride with us in the back. We were almost back home when I heard her vomit in the back. Awesome. So I did my puppy-mommy duties when I got home - put her in the house, got her settled, then whipped out the Nature's Miracles and beach towels and headed back out to the car. Later that afternoon when I was over at my neighbor's house - ironically, picking Sammy up from her play date... yes our dogs have daily play dates - her 9 mo...

Craft Link-Up

I love Kimba's DIY Day! I always love seeing what others are making. Here are some of my latest projects... You can see these over at Thankfully Thrifty . And here are some other bloggers' projects that I am loving... Burlap wreath made by Sweet Pea . Homemade bows, a great repurposing project, by Sweet Blessings . Ruffled shirt by Sutton Grace , who always has great projects and tutorials.   No sew Roman shades by Beneath My Heart.

Looking Up

It's funny to see how sometimes God closes some doors but opens others. I just started my internship. First client. Check. First group. Check. Second group. Check. It's not easy, but things are progressing. It comes a little more naturally than I thought.


Waiting. I'm in a period of waiting. Just waiting on the Lord. For direction. For guidance. For answered prayers. I woke up this morning tearful. Sometimes waiting on Him is painful. On Sunday I felt the Lord leading me to make a list of times that I have cried out to Him, and He's been faithful. I started the list and wrote down about ten significant things that have occurred recently. There is so much more to add, years more, months more, and I will continue to add to this list over time. But funny how He knows what we need? On a day like today, when life just seems cruel and unfair, I am able to pull out my list and be comforted by His goodness and His faithfulness. I did a word study on the Hebrew word "qawa," often translated "wait," for a class last summer. It was interesting to me that some translations, namely the NET Bible, translate this word "rely." Wait implies a "be-ready-but-not-yet" mentality and indicates difficulty al...