
Showing posts from August, 2010


Bakefest is probably a relative term, but for me, this is a lot of baking and cooking! We're taking food to our friend tonight (see baby post below), so I made chicken pot pie, salad, Rice Krispy treats, and brownies. Okay so the brownies are really for tomorrow night, and I just wanted Rice Krispy treats. So I'm giving them a few of each. Betty Crocker's Chicken Pot Pie Recipe 10 oz. frozen veggies (peas, carrots, corn, etc) 2 T butter, melted 1/2 c. all purpose flour (I use whole wheat.) 1/2 c. chopped onion 1/2 t. salt 1/4 t. pepper 1 1/2 c. chicken broth 2/3 c. milk 2 1/2 - 3 c. cut up chicken (or turkey) 2 rolled pastry crusts Mix butter, flour, salt, pepper, and onion together in sauce pan on medium. Then remove from heat, and add broth and milk. Heat to boiling. Stir in chicken and veggies. Remove from heat. Roll out one pastry crust into pie dish. Pour in the mixture. Then roll out the other crust and cut a couple holes in the top. Add the top layer ...

Welcome, McKinley!

Matt and Randi had their sweet baby girl today! McKinley Brielle Wideman  7 lbs 9 oz, 19 1/2 inches Congratulations, Matt and Rands! Such a sweet baby girl!

14 Weeks

This week the baby is the size of an orange! Two weeks ago it was a peach... now an orange. How it grew so much, I have no idea! By the way, sorry if it's hard to see the full tummy... It's very difficult to show off the tummy and hold the orange! ;) A little update... My energy is coming back, but it's by no means the "burst of energy" that some women talk about. Either way, I can't complain. The best part is that nausea is gone! Yea! Although now I am pretty much a vegetarian... not much meat sounds good to me. Like I said, I'm not nauseous... but if I eat meat, I might be. So I just avoid it. Oh and I got my first pair of maternity jeans! Okay so not that I really needed them yet... I had been wearing a pair of jeans that were a size too big pre-pregnancy. And a belly band would have worked for the others, but let's face it - a belly band in 108 degree heat is not okay! I don't need an extra layer on my body. Plus it's kinda suffoca...

12 Weeks

So those of you who read this regularly will notice that you probably haven't seen this picture... I accidentally posted out of order! So I am changing the post date so it at least appears in order! Tricky, tricky! Here's Week 12's pic with a peach... baby was a peach that week! The nausea pretty much stopped right at week 12! Thank goodness!