Adeline's birth story, part one

For the last two weeks of pregnancy, I longed for Adeline to come just a tad early! I didn't think it would happen necessarily, but I was so over being pregnant and ready for her to debut.

My doula had two clients with August due dates. The other was due almost 3 weeks before me, but due to circumstances, the doctor felt sure her baby would arrive 3 weeks early. Well 5 weeks passed and here she was 2 weeks past due, not quite a week before Adeline's due date. (You see where this is going?) 

She was being induced Thursday the 15th, but induction didn't take, which meant Friday they would try again. I was desperate to get Adeline out, but since I really wanted my doula Jen to be able to be there, I promised myself I wouldn't do anything dramatic to precipitate labor. Well, lo and behold, around 2:45 on Friday morning I woke up feeling light cramping.

I figured the cramps were Braxton Hicks, which I had been having for days, always just for a bit at night, that were becoming increasingly more painful. I got up for some ACV (amazing for heartburn) and a snack. The cramps continued... 

Anyway I went back to sleep until about 4:30, when I began timing the cramps coming and going. At this point I figured I was in labor since they had been going on for 2+ hours, but I decide to let Brendon rest up while he could. I knew I'd need him soon enough!

{to be continued...}


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