
Showing posts from October, 2014

Our Kansas Road Trip!

A few weeks ago we road tripped to Kansas to see family on my mom's side. RMom and Pierre joined us for our trip. We stayed with my cousins, who are just as crazy crunchy as we are. ;) Love it! It's always fun to talk about our weird natural ways with others who are like-minded. During our stay, all of our other Kansas family (cousins, aunts, uncles..) came over to visit too. It was so great to see everyone! Unfortunately I did a terrible job photographing our trip. We saw way more people than this, but I'll have to remember to take more photos next time! At the family gathering, we did try this awesome berry oats bars recipe . So yummy! Check it out. We also were inspired to buy a grain grinder when we got home! Hooray for freshly ground flour that still has nutrition in it! Check out our bread!

Sibling college tour and HFM

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind! Brace yourselves for a long post!  Three-and-a-half weeks ago we went on a "sibling college tour," starting on a Thursday and driving down to Waco to see Meg and then to Austin on Friday to see Anabelle and William, returning on Saturday to come home. Adeline woke up with a fever on Thursday, but since she had no other symptoms I assumed it was teething and pressed on.  We loved getting to see Meg! She showed us her dorm room, the Baylor bears, and some of campus! We went out to eat to Ninfas (reminiscent of Brendon's college days).  Meanwhile back at the hotel, Adeline cried off and on all night, and I vowed to be done with hotels forever. I also decided we weren't going to Austin but going back home because I could not handle another night of that. While Meg was in class on Friday, we took the girls to the Waco zoo, which was so impressive! Best zoo I've been to, for sure! Great kids area, a baby chimp, bears (why does...