Lilleigh turned 4!

Recently Lilleigh turned 4! We celebrated by scaling it down from last year! {Oh my word, last year what was I thinking building a castle and setting the expectation high?} 

This year we did a smaller party. It helped that, per Lil's request, it was an all girl party. It was still super fun and activity-filled for the girlies, but less work on my end. 

I found a scavenger hunt on Pinterest and basically copied it. I changed several of the rhymes, but I was so thankful to that mommy blogger that went before me and posted her work for me to use! Yay! Anyway, the little girls loved searching for Cinderella's shoe and participating in the activities along the way! 

As always, grandparents have come up to celebrate, each taking their own turn to come up and love on the birthday girl. We love having so many visitors! 

*sorry for the lack of links in this post to that scavenger hunt etc. Its hard to link from my iPhone or iPad, which is where I mostly blog from these days. I'll try to add the links soon for anyone wanting them!


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