
Showing posts from July, 2015

Danny and Meredith tied the knot

We recently traveled to Houston to see Meredith (Brendon's sister) get married to Danny! Here are some photos from the big event! Lilleigh was thrilled to get to go with the bridesmaids to have her nails done! Being a flower girl is a very serious job. Hubby and me at the rehearsal dinner. Getting ready on the big day!                                                 Because Lilleigh has this habit of making a terrible fake smile and clenching her teeth, we took some selfies beforehand to practice our "real smiles." Grammy with the flower girl and ring bearer. Meredith and Danny's first dance. Connor and Lilleigh dancing. These two love each other. They never cease of being together, which is amazing to me. Even when we go on week long trips together, these two are joined at the hip constantly. Glow necklaces at the reception wer...

Raw emotions and peace in this heart

I don't know where to begin. I've told this story two hundred times, and yet the emotions are still raw.  We found out mid-May that we were pregnant. We were thrilled! A little nervous, I admit, but thrilled. Lilleigh was over the moon excited, and Adeline just got clingier by the minute at all the baby talk going on. I had all the pregnancy symptoms - nausea, exhaustion, a growing baby bump...  At 12 weeks, the day before Brendon's and my 8 year anniversary, I confidently went in for my midwife appointment. When it came time to hear the baby's heartbeat, my midwife could not find one. When she switched to a sonogram, the baby only measured 8.5 weeks, no heartbeat. Apparently babies start to break apart after the loss of a heartbeat. Our intact baby meant that this loss has happened fairly recently. To say we were shocked is an understatement. Stunned. Spinning. Baffled. These words don't do justice to what we were feeling.  The next immediate feeling - heartbroken....

Beach girls

This was supposed to be published weeks ago, so I'm not sure what happened there. But alas here it is... It's been a super busy summer and last couple weeks. I have one hundred things to share, but for now here are some pics from our recent girls trip to Florida!