Home Sweet Home

Alas it's fall! It feels AMAZING here in Dallas. Hopefully the cool weather won't be too short lived. Anyway I probably have one million updates to post, seeing as this blog is mainly to keep friends and family up to date on life. A lot has happened in the last two months! I only have a few minutes tonight, so let's see what I can cover in that time. (I apologize in advance for typos.)

Of course, our biggest update is our house! Finally after THREE months, we are back in our house, and dare I say, the whole leak fiasco/ renovation is complete?! It's been an adventure. We were delayed up front due to mitigation taking forever to start and then uncovering mold that we had to deal with. Once that was finished, we could actually start the rebuild process, which was much more promising and exciting. We used that time to choose new wall colors, open up a wall between the living room and kitchen, and add wood floors to our living room. The girls figured out about this time that walls could be painted, and naturally they requested their room be painted pink! Brendon hasn't wanted to paint bedroom walls, despite my many ideas over the years, so I was super excited to grant these girls' request! 

Everything seemed to be going smoothly until our cabinets came back. The very short story is that there were MANY issues with them, such as: scuffs everywhere, cabinet units being swapped around, not enough room left for our appliances, and granite CAULKED (for real?!) and the two slabs having a huge gap between them. The repairs that needed to be done solely due to the cabinet guys' errors were about a month's worth of work, but in the end it worked out for us, as we did get our cabinets professionally painted, new granite, new backsplash, and a new kitchen sink. I'll take it.

Here are some photos. I kept delaying taking any, waiting until the house was clean. But let's be honest. I'm not sure that really ever happens when you homeschool. This is our clean. :) I will say though, the girls room is still a work in progress, so that pic is yet to come!

Not sure you can really tell from my kitchen pics, but the bigger doorway between living room and kitchen really makes a huge difference. I didn't capture it well in photos. Also the lighter cabinets (solid antique white, rather than my distressed look I had going on), lighter backsplash, and color on the walls really makes the kitchen just feel cheerier. Which is a great thing if you spend a lot of your day in the kitchen!

A highlight to moving back in when you're 6/7 months pregnant is that your nesting work is already set up for you! We had to take everything off the walls to begin with, so now I have a blank slate. It's been fun to reevaluate each room and recreate it. I've actually purged a ton, and we had a pretty successful garage sale over the weekend! The girls also had a pretty profitable lemonade stand too - lots of great math lessons there! 

Okay I'll work on more updates later, but that's the house in a nutshell. Still wrapping up some things with insurance, but as far as work goes, we are pretty much done. Home sweet home!
