Jamesy Boo 8 Months
Jamesy boo just turned 8 months! Time is flying by, and I am reminded of this each time I turn around to find him across the room from where I put him. Oh my! Keeping momma on her toes for sure.
This month James started army crawling, and is working on a legit crawl. He can also get himself from flat on his belly to sitting up.
Just yesterday I saw him try to pull himself up using the kids bench that goes to the craft table. Unfortunately the bench toppled over on him though, which he wasn't too happy about.
We did have a super unfortunate finger casualty this month. James wanted to be held, and the girls wanted something cut. I picked up James and pushed his arm out of the way before cutting. Of course, he reached his little hands right back in the way right as I cut. So the tip of his index finger was chopped. Ugh. It's healed back amazingly, but even still, it was quite traumatizing for momma! But bottom line: He is fine. Brendon reminds me that won't be our last trip to the ER. Ay.
That said, he's into everything. And while the girls still constantly want to hold him, they're started to get a little agitated about him being in their stuff. Yesterday (before the bench incident) the girls were playing with their Calico Critters in the front room, and the second I sat James down to play with them, they packed up alllllll their stuff and left the room. 🙄
This month James got his third tooth in. Apparently getting two teeth and 4-1/2 months was a lot of work because then he took a break for 3-1/2 months.
He's sleeping better and longer at night! Hallelujah! Sometimes from 7:30 to 5:30. All the praise hands!
James eats A TON. The boy loves his solids! Egg/ banana pancake, avocado, berries, chicken, taco meat, sweet potato... lots of yummy variety!
He's growing like a champ. I bought him the cutest and softest skinny jeans the other day, and after washing them, Brendon looked at them and said, "Do you seriously think his thighs are going to fit into those?" Ha. Good point.
That's all for now. We are so thankful for our James!
Adeline's 4 year post is yet to come!
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