A Calling to Adopt

As Christians, we are called to take care of widows and orphans. I love this story because this family is truly living out the calling to care for those who can't care for themselves. I've been thinking a lot about adoption lately. It's definitely something we want to do. And I think Scripture is pretty clear about God's heart towards orphans and His desire to have His people care for them.
Gn. 22:21-22; Dt. 24:19, 21; Ps. 68:5-6; 82:3-4; Is. 1:17; Js. 1:27

This video spoke to my heart.

Promo for "We Have Room" Documentary from David N. Watson on Vimeo.


  1. I adore that thought..."we have room". Makes me want this even more for our own family! I am so right with you on the fact that adoption has got to be one of the highest forms of fulfilling God's calling to take care of orphans. Biblically, it just makes SO much sense! Thanks for sharing! Love your family pic too! :)

    Saw this was a glimpse into a documentary...let me know if you have more stories and/or videos from them! Would love to read/see more about their story...they speak of adoption being so tangible. That's the part that (of course I know God can take care of) obviously presents the "worry" aspect of it working out for us.

  2. It's true. Financially adoption is a difficult thing. But I hear there are lots of grants for adoption if you take in kids that are less likely to be adopted - different race and/or a little older. The age factor is hard because depending on the kid's life prior to your home, they may act out, etc... Though it's a concern (of mine anyway) I also know that God can handle that. It's a lot to think about for sure. I'll let you know if I hear more about this story and grants, etc in general. :)

  3. We have a couple we are good friends with in the middle of adopting 2 twin baby girls from Africa...they have 3 kids of their own. I have loved watching how God has met all their financial needs one step at a time.

  4. Hey Ashleigh... we're hoping to adopt some day as well! I love it that you have a heart for that!
    Thanks for your cute comment about our bedding- you're too funny. I can definitely tell a difference, but I love it that you can't. :)
    kirstin @ kojo


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