A Weekend Trip to Kansas!

This past weekend loaded up Sammy, Lil, and all of our gear in the Prius and headed North to Kansas! That might seem like a random place to visit, but it just so happens that I have family there. We passed through last year after visiting Brendon's grandparents in Colorado and loved visiting with cousins and hanging out on their mini-farm, so we went back!

We stayed with my cousin Steve, his wife Brenda, and their kids, Nathan (25), Samuel (21), and Michael (19). They have 40 acres, 10 chickens, and lots of bees! Plus they let us go with them to pick up their raw milk from the farm down the road that has cows, goats, ducks, chickens, guineas, pigs, and cats. I like to think of myself as a city girl, but I really enjoy the farm life too... enough to move to a small town, or worse, no town? Eh, not sure. But it's super fun to get to visit farms and dream of truly sustainable living!

Saturday Brenda and Steve hosted the extended family, so we could see everyone. My mom was in Kansas too, though unfortunately not staying with us but an hourish away with her sister. So it was fun to see her and all of the cousins!

I wish I had family and farm pics for you, but I don't. I tried really hard to just enjoy the weekend rather than taking lots of pics. Here are the few pics I do have though. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to grab a group pic from my mom's camera too.

Mimi and Lil at lunch after church on Sunday

My Starbucks drink from when we stopped in Oklahoma on the way up. Hooray for pumpkin spice being back! Welcome, fall!

Lil and Sammy enjoying Starbucks treats - whipped cream for Sammy and water with ice for Lil. The ice is key. It's a new favorite. Who taught her that?? (Anabelle, I blame you...)

A double rainbow! Okay, so I took this is Dallas actually the night before we left, but how cool is that!


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