Halloween and Ashleigh's Birthday

For Halloween, we hosted the neighborhood block party and invited our neighborhood play group (which is HUGE, by the way) and our street! We had been a little up in the air, not sure if we wanted to celebrate Halloween (due to its evil origins), but I also happen to LOVE Halloween, which made it really difficult to think about not celebrating the holiday. Also we really view our neighborhood as a ministry, so with Halloween being such a neighborhood holiday, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to host a party for the neighborhood. And having the party at our house also allowed us to control the aspects of Halloween we brought out - pumpkins, costumes, and candy, and not ghosts or dead things.

For the party, we grilled hotdogs, and a few friends helped out by bringing drinks, chips, and desserts. Another friend even set up a little photo booth with props and such! It was super fun! I didn't do a great job of photographing the event. But here are a couple of photos.

As you can see Lil was a kitty cat, and Mom and Dad were PB&J!

And then four days later, we celebrated my 28th birthday! My dad came up on Friday to celebrate with us, took us out to dinner, and shopped with me Saturday. The highlight of our shopping would probably be the three pairs (I got a little excited.) of colorful skinny jeans we found at Gap! While he was here, we also hit up some garage sales! I found a new Camelbak hydration pack for $15! Normally around $60! Brendon had been wanting one of these but didn't want to spend the money on it, so I was pumped to have found that for him.

Then on my actual birthday, we had a few friends over to cook out. Unfortunately, I forgot about taking photos until several guests had already left. But here are a few pics of the fam, Lil and friends, and me with some sweet girlfriends.

For my birthday gift, Brendon is giving me a "day off." Next Tuesday, he will hang out with Lil for the day, and I get to have a day to myself! I'm giddy just thinking about it!! What would you do on your day off??


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