Lilleigh is almost 3!

Y'all my sweet Lilleigh, my big girl, sissy, honey bunny... is almost 3!! She is such a joy!

Lilleigh LOVES...
  • Princesses. And princess dresses. I don't know why I even both buying her clothes. All she wants to wear {ever} are pretty princess dresses. She even wears them in public when I let her. And yes, sometimes I let her. Because it's that or whining. And I have a 5-month-old. And let's be honest, there is nothing more fun in her mind than dressing like a princess in public and having people stop and comment about it.
  • Yogurt. She eats yogurt like it's going out of style. Good thing I know how to make yogurt, otherwise we would be buying stock in Stonyfield.
  • Raspberries. The girl really loves raspberries. And putting them on her fingers.
  • Fancy Nancy. Who doesn't love being fancy?
  • The story about Jesus dying on the cross. We read it a lot, per her request. And she has it memorized, so she likes to "read" it to us. 
  • Singing. Lilleigh sings for hours in her bed during nap time and before falling asleep. She really loves to sing. LOUDLY.
  • Dance. Recently I bought a Groupon and signed Lilleigh up for dance at a nearby dance center. It is precious, y'all. The class isn't ballet so much as just fun dance movements. She adores her teacher and watches her every move. Lilleigh is definitely the oldest in her class, so while all of the other kids have lost focus at 40 minutes in, Lilleigh is at her teachers feet, waiting for instruction. I've debated moving her up, but she is such a perfectionist that I think she might have a hard time being a little behind some of the other kids. I figure she can boost her confidence with this class before moving forward. She really loves her class though, so it's been a great first dance experience for her.
  • Horses. Even though I am not really a fan of horses (I mean, they're fine...), seeing how much she loves them, makes me excited to take her horseback riding someday.
  • Stuffed animals. She's not a total hoarder. I do try to have give away piles going constantly, so she does sometimes actually voluntarily give things to me to give away. But she still loves her furry friends, so I broke down and bought a $34 dollar cushy bean bag by Boon for her stuffed animals! Totally worth the expense.
  • Her daddy. She totally goes through phases where Mommy is pretty popular too, but she is a Daddy's girl through and through! Not only does she want to marry him, but she kept telling me she wanted Daddy to surprise her with flowers. So one night Brendon came home with roses for her! She was so proud!

Lilleigh quotes:

Lilleigh brought up the topic of tadpoles. I explained the tadpoles are actually babies that turn into frogs, a concept completely beyond her almost-3-year-old mind. She thought for a minute and said excitedly, "And if you kiss a frog a lot, he will become a prince!"


  1. So sweet! Our kiddos are growing up so fast! I love that her daddy bought her special!!

  2. What a sweetie. Isn't it so fun to watch the little people the become?!


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