Country-ish Life So Far
Well we’ve been in the country-ish now for a month and a half. Here are some observations and things we are loving. Our mail lady gave us a Christmas card. ❤️ How sweet is that? We had many new neighbors came to greet us, and most all of them brought us something! We got homemade cinnamon rolls, Danish butter cookies, cinnamon pecans, and some other little treats. So kind! School zones are 40 MPH. This just makes me laugh. The high school is huge, sprawled out over a ton of land, and it is across the street from a big field. Lots of openness. One night we opened the door one night to smell a skunk. And we now have tomato juice on hand, per the suggestion of neighbors… “just in case.” Because at some point your dog WILL learn not to mess with skunks. 😆 We can always hear a rooster crowing when we open the door. It’s charming. The other morning there was a hot air balloon sailing by outside our kitchen window. How fun is that? AND in the ...