Look who’s talking

This sweet guy is 14 months, and he is changing so much, I couldn’t miss a time to write about him! 

James has some words, sounds, signs... communication! His most commonly used words are Momma and dada. He also makes a “woof woof” and “mmm-mah” (kiss) sound. Tonight he signed “more” and then kept telling me “up” to pick him up. He has said “ni, ni” (night night) once, so not a usual thing but still. The other day we went to feed Alfala, the horse out back, and he said “Alfal.” TWO different ocassions actually. Jaw drop. After his mom and Dad, his first name was the horse out back. Ha! He really looooves animals! 

Like I said, he loves animals. So I thought James would be all about the zoo. He liked it fine. I bet when Mom lets him and out of the stroller to run around, he will like it better!

At PATH the first three weeks I struggled to get him to nap. Lots of crying babies and not enough separate rooms for the ones who want to sleep (ie James). But then I found a “secret” dark room back by the study hall. I started laying him down there, and he loves it! Hooray! 

Speaking of naps, in the last week, James has finally stretched his one nap to TWO hours!!! Can we all just pause to appreciate that?

And yeah, he dropped morning nap which does present a new challenge to school. But it’s fun also. More on that later.

Happy Monday! 


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