I'm grateful. I keep trying to think of something clever or cute or sweet to start this post, but these are the words that come to mind. The Lord has continually provided me with sweet friendships throughout my life, and I am grateful. This season, the anniversary and birthday of my brother, always makes me reflect on friendships. I had a few sweet friends drive in from Dallas to be with my in Houston after Austen died. And I had many of my Houston friends, from growing up, show up to help and comfort and off condolences. Not to mention, many of Austen's friends were my friends, and my friends, his friends. Regardless, I was in awe at how the Lord prompted these sweet friends in their words, their actions, their showing up, when we needed them. In the months before Austen died, I had been in a season of desperation and loneliness. I was 25 years old and in my third and final year of graduate school. I had graduated from SMU three years prior and gotten married. Going into g...