
Showing posts from February, 2010

Adoption Day

These pictures were taken a year ago today, when we adopted Sammy from Second Time Around Aussie Rescue .     She was so timid and gentle. Now she is bursting with energy. Sammy's foster mom guessed that Sammy was about one to one and a half when we brought her home. While a lot of our friends got dogs from breeders (nothing wrong with that!), we chose to rescue a dog and give an adult dog a new home. There were so many reasons behind this decision. I am so thankful that we did adopt Sammy. It's been a great year! As my friend Nora would say, "She's the BEST!" Happy Adoption Day, Sammy!

I'm Green.

I have fought this for so long. I never wanted to be green. I never wanted to be a tree-hugger. It wasn't that I didn't want to take care of the earth. It's just that being green has certain connotations, and I did not want to be associated with those. Al Gore thinks we all need to go green to save the earth from global warming. Nice thought, Al, but I'm not sure it's our job to "save" the earth. The fact that I have yet to see signs of this "warming," with Dallas having now had 4 - maybe 5 - snowfalls this winter and a record snowfall for the most snow ever in the metroplex, is beside the point. Don't get me wrong, I love the earth. I can't say I agree with Al's motivation, but I have my own. I love the earth that God created. I am excited for the new heaven and new earth that we will someday have, but until that day, we're on this earth. Like I said, I never wanted to go green. This has been a journey for me. Here's wh...

Thanks a bunch!

I ended up choosing this shirt...   I think I will be able to wear it more than the other options, which is actually why I chose it.  Thank you so much for helping me decide! I am soo indecisive! It's completely ridiculous sometimes. So really, thank you for your responses. They helped me so much. Now why was I asking? Yes, it's a gift... sorta... Any of you who visit my other blog Thankfully Thrifty have a guess? Stay tuned!

Help me decide please.

I seriously need your help deciding which item to get. This is a gift, so don't worry about price... or maybe do. :) I can choose one. Which do you like best? Click the link below each to see more views and product information. Thanks so much for your help!!!   Embellished Scoop Neck Tank     Pleated Cotton Satin Dress   ...I really love this, but how many black dresses does one need? I have a couple. One that I really like.   Pleated Wool Swing Jacket ...I think Beth Moore would wear this. I like Beth Moore.   Ruffled Sleeveless Dress ...Same thoughts. Too many black dresses? Cute ruffles though.

Growth where I thought there was none.

Turns out our "failed" veggie garden wasn't a failure after all! Look what I just found. The problem had been a lack of sunlight in the warm months when the trees have their leaves. But maybe I just need to stick to cold weather veggies! Lettuce anyone?

Last snow video, I promise.

A New Favorite on TV

You may remember back in the fall when I reported that FlashForward was the best new show on TV... well any of you who actually watched it, know that this "best new show" status was short lived. The writers got lost in the story line. I'm still hopeful it will redeem itself. But to do that, I think they need a little help from the two main writers of Lost... For now, my latest TV find has yet to disappoint! ABC's new show The Middle is hilarious! And this actress, who plays a middle child named Sue, makes it. On the show, Sue ise a high school misift trying to find her place in the world. She keeps me laughing constantly. I fear the reason may be because I was her back in the day. While we're talking about TV, what happened to The Office? Oh my... not even sure if it's worth watching anymore. Last night's was good, but it still has a way to go to be back on the top of m list. Community is great though. With all the shows I watch, would you ever gu...

Sammy in the Snow!

A Snow Day!

We woke up to the most beautiful site this morning. Look at all this snow! And in Texas, nonetheless!

I heart these.

  From JCrew . I think these are precious!  I always find myself in a bind with school dress code and winter weather. Dressing up is not my thing. Heels are not my thing. I can do boots, but sometimes that's too much effort for school. So I typically meet the minimal dress code standards. No blue jeans. So I'll wear denim trousers or cords in the winter. Then what shoes to wear? Like I said, boots are effort. Ballet flats leave my feet frozen, though sometimes it's worth it. I wear my Ugg moccasins when I can, not gonna lie, but still I don't want to be known as "slippers girl." To mix it up, these cute tennis shoes would just be really cute! I don't think they count as normal tennis shoes because they look nicer. So by my standards, I can wear them. And I love that I could wear them with jeans or cords in the winter and then capris and shorts in the summer. You can be cute and comfy!  I may have just sold myself on these. But I'm determined to find...


Look what I got in the mail today!       It's so yummy! Thanks, Dad!

Public Transit

A couple weeks ago my hubby began taking public transportation. Keep in mind - we don't live in a city where this is normal! The Dart in Dallas is not exactly the happening place to be. But the Lord had really been laying on his heart that this was something he should start doing. He is surrounded by Christians each day at work and rarely has the opportunity to meet new people and share Christ with them. So he began taking to Dart specifically to share Christ with those he meets. Hubby has even decided that he wants to sell his Highlander. It will save us money each month, which is great, but we are definitely doing fine now financially. So while that is a plus, his main reasoning behind this is that one less car will allow us to have more money to give away. Plus he keeps saying two cars is a luxury most people don't have. At most, we'll be burdened a couple times a month. So true! But the thought of one car is hard to swallow! But at the same time, I'm amazed by...