Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween y'all! We enjoyed the day with our princess Snow White and little cupcake! Every year we celebrate Halloween with our neighbors. We have a pretty social neighborhood, so we do know many of our neighbors. Even still, it's one of the only nights of the year that everyone comes out of their houses and that you can go ring a total stranger's doorbell. And for the past two years we hosted the neighborhood Halloween party as a way to bless our neighbors and really invest in those relationships. This year I gladly passed the baton, given that we have a newborn. And our fellow neighbors did an awesome job with the party by the way! There was even a parade! Tonight was Lilleigh's first night trick-or-treating. We only went to four houses, but Lilleigh loved it! Before the first house we went to - Lil's very first house ever to trick-or-treat at - I explained to Lilleigh that on Halloween we can go up to people's doors, and people will hand out...