A Letter to My 6-Month-Old Adeline

To my sweet Adeline, My second born. You are now half a year old! That is hard to believe. I feel I've barely blinked my eyes since you were born in August. One more blink and you will be one, crawling and into everything, eating everything you can get your hands on, and most likely on the verge of walking. You and your big sister will be getting into all kinds of trouble together, which will have me nervous to take my eyes off of you, but oh the fun you two are about to have! Even now, Lilleigh is constantly asking to hold you, squeezing you tight, singing to you, and longing to play. It won't be long... You are sitting up, assisted. Playing on your play mat and in your exersaucer are some of your favorite things. And while you are totally content to play, your favorite place to be is in someone's arms. I really can't say I blame you. I love the way your dimple in the apple of your left cheek shows every time you smile and squeal. And I love your swe...