
Showing posts from February, 2014

A Letter to My 6-Month-Old Adeline

To my sweet Adeline, My second born. You are now half a year old! That is hard to believe. I feel I've barely blinked my eyes since you were born in August. One more blink and you will be one, crawling and into everything, eating everything you can get your hands on, and most likely on the verge of walking. You and your big sister will be getting into all kinds of trouble together, which will have me nervous to take my eyes off of you, but oh the fun you two are about to have! Even now, Lilleigh is constantly asking to hold you, squeezing you tight, singing to you, and longing to play. It won't be long... You are sitting up, assisted. Playing on your play mat and in your exersaucer are some of your favorite things. And while you are totally content to play, your favorite place to be is in someone's arms. I really can't say I blame you. I love the way your dimple in the apple of your left cheek shows every time you smile and squeal. And I love your swe...

Lil's Official Birthday

Y'all may be bored of Lil birthday posts, but I love birthdays, so I'm not! :) Last one I promise. For her actual birthday, Pappy came up the night before, and we all went to dinner at a new restaurant around the corner. YUM, by the way! She opened gifts from him. We had planned to take Lilleigh and Adeline to the Dallas World Aquarium on her actual birthday, in the morning, before my dad headed back to Houston. Unfortunately (though I hate to say that) we had a snow day and had to miss the aquarium! Y'all, I LOVE snow days!!! BUT more than snow days, I LOOOOVE birthdays! Birthdays are my very favorite days. And I need to just admit right now that I have high expectations for them. I always knew this, but after Lil's birthday last week, I really had to come to grips with this. I have high expectations, even when it's not my birthday. Birthdays are just plain fun! So missing out on our fun plans to stay inside and watch movies made me so sad! Fortunately though,...

New floors!

Recently hubby put in new hardwood floors (engineered) in our front room! It was carpet before, which made our dining room table a waste, honestly. With little kids, we just really never wanted to eat there and risk getting food all over the carpet. Since we have a breakfast nook, we always ate there. And we are sorta running out of space there! Sooo to better utilize our house, enjoy it more, and increase the value, we went for hardwoods. Here's a "before" from a few years ago. A few things changed, like the desk on the left, where we had the piano and a giant desk area out of the photo. And the can lights Brendon recently added. The rest was pretty similar though. And now for the hardwoods... And here is the room all ready for Lil's party just days after this hu-mungo project! So glad it was finished in time! Whew. Notice we rearranged. The piano is now against the wall that isn't seen in the photo, where a giant desk once wa...

Lilleigh's Princesses and Knights Third Birthday Party!

Lilleigh turns 3 on Thursday, so this weekend we celebrated with a princesses and knights birthday party! It was really such a fun time! We are blessed to have so many great friends want to come celebrate our little girl! All ready for the party! And notice the hardwoods Brendon just installed! Before and after post to come! Super thankful to Lilleigh's Tita for this cake! There's a long story behind it. But we are thankful a cake made it to the party and that Mommy didn't have to make it because as you will see, my time was spent elsewhere.   My awesome sister-in-law went to a princesses and knight birthday party recently and snagged this castle party prop from her friend. Perfect! We have lucked out the past two years with awesome weather for Lilleigh's birthday parties. Considering Lilleigh was born in between two ice storms, we really have been super lucky! So I had a craft table set up for indoor fun as well, just in case, we couldn't b...