Lil's Official Birthday

Y'all may be bored of Lil birthday posts, but I love birthdays, so I'm not! :) Last one I promise.

For her actual birthday, Pappy came up the night before, and we all went to dinner at a new restaurant around the corner. YUM, by the way! She opened gifts from him.

We had planned to take Lilleigh and Adeline to the Dallas World Aquarium on her actual birthday, in the morning, before my dad headed back to Houston. Unfortunately (though I hate to say that) we had a snow day and had to miss the aquarium! Y'all, I LOVE snow days!!! BUT more than snow days, I LOOOOVE birthdays! Birthdays are my very favorite days. And I need to just admit right now that I have high expectations for them. I always knew this, but after Lil's birthday last week, I really had to come to grips with this. I have high expectations, even when it's not my birthday. Birthdays are just plain fun! So missing out on our fun plans to stay inside and watch movies made me so sad! Fortunately though, it wasn't my birthday, and Lilleigh loves watching movies and staying home. So she actually enjoyed herself I think. We also did brave the snice (Get it? Snow. Ice.) to make the 2ish mile trek to Target with Pappy and get some snow days treats. Lil chose a few movies and a new princess book, and Mom got a Starbucks because lattes make everything better. We also got some great snow day photos. I really shouldn't complain.

Pappy left, and that night my bible study was canceled, which meant we had family dinner and play time before bed. Lil also opened her gifts. We gave her a Melissa and Doug bead set (thank you swap site), Lily books (again, thanks swap site), and Doc McStuffins dress up (thanks, Target). She loves all three, but since she loves dress up and Doc McStuffins, she is really loving that gift. Not as much as all of her lovely princess dresses, but since we didn't need an eleventh dress (ha), we went with something new.

I should also say that the very first thing Lilleigh did when she went outside (with out a coat, keep in mind) was lay on the ground to make a snow angel, like in Fancy Nancy. This snow angel was by Brendon, but still hilarious.


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