
Showing posts from October, 2015

Gorgeous fall

These last few weeks we have been taking advantage of this amazing weather that has captured the metroplex! The docket has been full and keeping us super busy - because we all know this weather doesn't last long!  Lilleigh has been begging for months to ride on the Dart, which is our city's public transportation system. She specifically wanted to ride the light rail. So a couple weekends ago Brendon and I loaded up our girls and rode the Dart from our local light rail station (just a few miles from us) all the way downtown.  Adeline thought the train was a little loud.  Once downtown, we walked a block and hopped onto the trolley, which is always free, and took it to Klyde Warren park. Klyde Warren is this genius of a park located in the middle of downtown Dallas. It's located on top of the freeway. There's always lots going on - everything from a kiddie playground to an open lawn with live music and even yoga to food trucks lining the park. An all-around awesome place....

Our girlies

These two girls keep their Mommy and Daddy so busy! In the very best way. Lilleigh has started to stay up listening to audiobooks, reading books, or quietly hanging out with me during rest time. As long as she's quiet and has some time to herself (and Mommy has time to herself), I'm good with it. And for those of you wondering, she has been going to bed easier! I don't think it's solely just the rest hour thing though. I think it's also a combination of: the novelty of having little sis in her room has worn off; Adeline is in her trundle rather than sharing the big bed; and we started to be more firm on bedtime. So it's probably the perfect combo. Either way, bedtime has become easier. Does Lil still sing herself to sleep? Sometimes. :) Adeline is used to it. Lilleigh's answers questions, answers, and stories keep me laughing. The other day I overheard her talking to her friend. Friend: What's your Mommy's name? Lil: Ashleigh. Friend: What...

So we went camping with kids

For anyone who knows me, you know I hate being crazy busy, yet I have a tendency to become that way. It makes me crazy. Any who, this weekend was super busy, but in the best possible way! We totally crashed last night, and the girls are still asleep. Actually hubby is too... On Saturday morning, Brendon took the girls to the local art festival, while I held a garage sale with a couple friends. A reason for Starbucks. Good. Decluttering. Good. Extra money. Also good. Then that afternoon Brendon and I loaded up our crew to go meet some of our favorite friends, the wonderful Widemans, to go camping!  Lilleigh and Adeline were actually awesome campers. I'm not sure I should be surprised. Lilleigh is older and is just glad to do anything with our family - and with her sweet friend McKinley! And Adeline just loves being outdoors and doing anything big sister does!  For the record, Sammy did actually sleep on the foocot with Lilleigh ALL night, which you would think was ...