So we went camping with kids

For anyone who knows me, you know I hate being crazy busy, yet I have a tendency to become that way. It makes me crazy. Any who, this weekend was super busy, but in the best possible way! We totally crashed last night, and the girls are still asleep. Actually hubby is too...

On Saturday morning, Brendon took the girls to the local art festival, while I held a garage sale with a couple friends. A reason for Starbucks. Good. Decluttering. Good. Extra money. Also good. Then that afternoon Brendon and I loaded up our crew to go meet some of our favorite friends, the wonderful Widemans, to go camping! 

Lilleigh and Adeline were actually awesome campers. I'm not sure I should be surprised. Lilleigh is older and is just glad to do anything with our family - and with her sweet friend McKinley! And Adeline just loves being outdoors and doing anything big sister does! 

For the record, Sammy did actually sleep on the foocot with Lilleigh ALL night, which you would think was Lilleigh's dream come true, since she always asks for Sammy to sleep with her. But by morning, she was telling Sammy to get off her bed!

The next morning while the girls waited for breakfast, I put them to work doing nature drawings. We got a little homeschool in. Their nature drawings may have been of them roasting marshmallows by the fire with fairies, but whatevs. ;)

My Eagle scout hubby especially loved the cooking portion of this trip because he got to test out some of his new camping gear. And because experimental baking and cooking is his thing. Yummy blueberry lemon scones for breakfast, yes please.

After breakfast we went hiking. Adeline walked some, but Momma carried her most of the way, which I'm sure will make my muscles feel awesome later today.

Lake Texoma has awesome trails and also beautiful beaches, some rocky and some sandy. The girls loved it. Matt and McKinley almost gave Randi a heart attack scaling a cliff, but everyone is safe and sound!

Even Sammy and Trigger made friends. I needed to capture the moment, since we know Sammy does not often make friends when she is with her people. Guarding us is a very serious job. Trigger was in heaven.

Seriously such a wonderful and super exhausting weekend! We had the best weather and company!

I was asked advice for camping with kids. Since I'm such a pro, I certainly am the best one to answer this. However, with my two time kid camping experience, I will say knowing your kids is key, as is bravery. We knew Lilleigh would be fine, since she had been before and is pretty happy to go with any fun excursion. Adeline loves outdoors, so the only concern was sleeping. We went for it anyway, and she rocked it.

S'mores and yummy food are a given.

I would also say to make cozy beds and make sure you have a sound machine app, if your kids normally sleep with white/ pink noise.

Lastly, talk it up beforehand! Adeline talked about camping and her foocot for days before we left!

We may just try to squeeze in another camping trip soon! It's hard to think about right now, with sore muscles and lots of laundry, but I think we could do it...


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