One Year and Houston

This weekend we headed to Houston. The reason for the trip was the anniversary of my brother's passing and what would have been his 25th birthday.

Remembering Austen, there's a lot I could say. This year has been a whirlwind of both joy and sorrow. Not to mention busy. A lot has happened - so much that sometimes it seems like he's been gone longer than a year... I guess because I've gotten used to not seeing him... as much as I hate to say that.

Holding my daughter, the pain lessens. She brings a lot of joy to my life. Still there are times when I look at her that I get a lump in my throat. Watching her grow I see how much Austen is missing. You see, my sister Anabelle was beside herself when Lilleigh was born. She couldn't stand that she was sick and had to stay home when I had the baby. So the first chance she got, she raced to Dallas to hold Lil in her arms. ...When talking about this, Brendon said something to me that I know is true. He said, "It's funny to see Anabelle so excited - because as excited as she is, Austen would have been more." It makes me smile to think of how much Austen would have loved Lilleigh. Like I said, he was determined to be the godfather to our child. Oh how he would have loved her! Sweet wishes.

And sorry to be abrupt, but back to Houston... Despite the reason for the trip, it went well. It was also Lilleigh's first Houston trip. She got to endure a 4 hour car ride... which turned into more like 5 1/2! Ugh. She also got to meet lots of friends and family.

These are my grandparents and her great grandparents - GG and Bill.

Will, who was Austen's best friend and will forever be a friend of our family.
Seeing him hold Lil made miss my brother.

William, my 18-year-old brother who just decided he's going to UT! Hook 'em!

My brother-in-law Ryan and sister-in-law Tarryn with our little nephew Connor!

Blakely, who has been one of my best friends since I met her on our street riding bicycles and said "Who are you?"

Connor! And the cousins meet! How fun to have a cousin so close in age!

Papa, who is my great grandfather and therefore Lilleigh's great great grandfather!! How many people can say they are a great great?

Also how great is this new addition to the house? SMom came home from the rodeo petting zoo with Bun Bun! She hops around the house like a dog!

Anabelle feeding Bun Bun a carrot


  1. Looks like you had a blessed trip with so many friends and family. I'm sorry for the loss of your brother but happy that you can see a bit of him in your daughter. Have a great week.

  2. What sweet memories you made with Lilleigh meeting all that sweet family of yours! I'm glad you were able to be surrounded by family during this time. I'm sure Lilleigh will always know how special her uncle was through the memories you'll have to share with her!

    And of course, the pics are adorable...she is precious.


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