Colorado: Lil's First Trip

Last weekend we took Lilleigh to meet her great grandparents! (She's so blessed to have lots of great grandparents around and even one great-great!) This set of great grands are her daddy's grandparents, his mom's parents. They live in Colorado. For the past few summers, we've gone up to visit them and brought Sammy! We do plan to go on our annual trip, which we make in late summer, again this year - and to hopefully drive and bring Sammy! But we decided to make an extra trip now for Lil to meet them early!

It's so fun to go visit. They live in a subdivision on a ranch with a river running through it, so it's beautiful all around them! A great place to go on walks and enjoy God's creation. 

Lil chatting with her Grandma Hunt

And laughing at PaPa making faces

And a picture of her dad being a "boy" 
Yes, that is a snake he's holding.

I was very excited that at least one of our ten or more family photos actually turned out!

Enjoying the outdoors with Grandma

Me and my love

During our stay, there was a community yard sale. We went to scope it out and came back with a Britax Roundabout40 convertible carseat ($200 value), which we snagged for only $10! We figured this would be a great thing to have at their house, so we don't have to tote our carseat on the plane next time we fly up. That find also got me motivated to attend some garage sales around here. We are going to need a convertible carseat soon! One friend of mine just snagged two (one for each car) - a Brtiax for $30 and an Evenflo for free! Both from garage sales! I'm on a mission.

Okay so I got off topic. You know that deals get me excited! Anyhow, our trip was great. It was wonderful for Lilleigh to get to meet her great grands! We were excited to make that happen. One thing I wasn't prepared for though - It's hard traveling with an infant!

Lil was awesome on our flights - both there and back. She actually didn't cry. She ate and slept. I tried to feed her at take off and landing, but on the way back she fell asleep before take off. But she didn't make a sound or seem affected at all. And when we were at the grandparents' house, she slept through the night, just as usual, in the pack 'n play. (The grandparents bought the pack 'n play for their house. It's awesome to have that! It has a mobile too!) Now, she doesn't nap well in her crib. Her naps will be 20-45 minutes long, so that was pretty much how it was when we were there. Few naps... which then meant she was a little fussy, but not bad. Still though, since we didn't have our swing, bouncy seat, activity mat, or any of the wonderful baby luxuries we have these days, travel was just hard on Mom. When people were finished holding her, she was passed off to me. I love holding her, don't get me wrong. But the fact that I really couldn't even set her down for a brief second to grab a drink or make myself a sandwich, let alone go to the bathroom, was draining. I think 3 months may just be a hard age. If she were just a few months older, she could sit up on her own and play with some toys, giving my arms a little rest. But then much older than that and they're mobile... I have a feeling travel won't be the same again!

When we got home, a commercial came on the TV for Disney World. You know the ones - where the kids are running side by side, holding hands with each other and their parents. Big smiles. The Magic Kingdom in the background. The magical ambiance. After that commercial, Brendon turned and looked at me and just said, "Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Ha. Yeah I need several more years and trips to prepare for one like that. My goodness. I have a whole new respect for my parents. I think Disney World is a grandparents trip.


  1. So glad you all had a great trip. Love your honesty, though!! :) My family is already discussing a trip to California next summer...sweet baby will be 7 or 8 months...I'm nervous already. We'll see! :)

  2. Looks like you guys had a great trip!! Love the pictures and wow..those garage sale finds are awesome!!!

  3. We were going to sell our Britax Boulevard at our next garage sale......probably not for $30 though since it's the $300 one, but still a deal. Let me know if you're interested.


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