This is how we give Lilleigh baths.

I feel so silly posting on this, but if I had been given pointers on how to give an infant a bath before having Lil, life would have been much easier. We tried the little tub you put in the bath tub. We also tried the little mesh seat you put in the bath tub. But really, leaning over like that in the tub hurts your back.

Another method we've tried and actually like is having me get in the tub and then Hubby will hand Lil to me. Then she gets to experience a real bath, and since I'm in there with her, it's easier to clean her. Plus then I get to have a bath too! This was especially great while I was healing. So soon-to-be moms, remember this method! It's hard to fit in the baths because all you want to do in your spare time is sleep! But your doctor will probably tell you to take them to help with healing. This is a great way.

Still, a lot of the time Hubby isn't here to help me give her a bath. Or even if he is, we just don't always have the time for that. So we started bathing her in the sink. I know there are tons of pictures of babies getting baths in the kitchen sink, but until they can sit up on their own, this is not easy to do. So we've resorted to placing a towel in the bathroom sink and bathing her in there. The towel creates a nice cushion in the sink basin, while also elevating the baby just a tad. I suppose it's the same idea as this new Puj Tub, but it's one less thing to buy and store. We already have a towel. Regardless, this method has made life so much easier. It took us a good month to figure out bath time.


  1. My kids got lots of baths in the sink. The towel works amazingly well. I also liked the bath with child method.

  2. Good to know!! Thank you for posting this..I have a feeling it will come in handy in a few weeks!!!

  3. You never cease to amaze me with the tricks and ideas you have up your sleeve!! :) Thanks for sharing this tip! She looks like she loves it. I can't get over how adorable she is!

  4. Ashleigh, she is so adorable! How far are you from Fort Worth? We'll be driving to Richardson, TX on our way to Phoenix the first week in June. If we could make it work, I'd love to stop by and see you!


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