Lil is 3 months!

Can you believe it's been 3 months? My little baby is no longer a new born! I recently started using our City Mini, rather than just the Snap N Go, the stroller that her car seat snaps into, and I keep telling Lil how she's a "big girl" now for getting to sit up in a stroller! Granted, she can't sit up by herself, but the City Mini reclines, which allows her to sit upright and see out. She loves going on walks in the neighborhood like that! Much better than the Snap N Go, which hardly has a view.

Anyways, so Lil is 3 months! Here's what 3 months looks like for her...

Lilleigh has recently started to laugh! I've only seen this a couple times, but it has been so exciting each time! I keep waiting for her to do it when her daddy is around. Soon enough!

She's also super chatty! So much so that moms of older babies actually comment on it, saying she's way chattier than their babies. We started reading to her out of The Jesus Storybook Bible, and two days later, she started "talking" up a storm! She talks to the animals on her mobile, to her seahorse, to herself, to us when we read to her or me when we nurse. Really she'll talk to anyone or anything that will listen! I really think a lot of it has to do with us reading to her, but I'm sure it has a lot to do with her personality too! We may be in for trouble... I used to be so talkative that I would have the timer set on me and be told "you can talk again in five minutes, when the clock says 2:36." I have a feeling she may be the same way! 

Lil has been sleeping through the night pretty consistently. When pediatricians say "sleep through the night," they mean 6ish hours. When I say "sleep through the night," I mean going to bed between 7 and 8 PM and waking up between 6 and 7 AM. She did this for about 3 weeks straight! But then the past four nights she's woken up between 4 and 5:30 AM to eat for about 10 minutes. I mean, I can't complain because she's quick, and it's only one feeding... but really? C'mon, Lil, you were doing so well! ;)

Also we still haven't had luck with the bottle. To be honest, it isn't that big of a deal. I'm staying at home, so there aren't many times that she needs to take a bottle, but it does make the few times that I do need her to take one stressful. I've been trying to give her one every day or every other day. Sometimes she'll let the nipple sit in her mouth but won't suck on it. Other times, she just fusses and cries, pushing the bottle away. I think when I say that she's not taking a bottle, people just assume that I'm not trying or have done something wrong to cause this, but she's just a smart baby! She wants the real thing. In the meantime, I'll keep working with her. And if you think of it, pray she'll take one when we are in California for a wedding. She'll be staying with Brendon's aunt and uncle for the evening, which means it could be one looong evening for them!


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