Today my brother Austen would have been 24. We're only 16 months apart. I loved having a brother so close in age. Growing up I always had a playmate and a partner in crime when it came to picking on our younger two siblings, William and Anabelle. William didn't even come around until 1992, so for years it was just the two of us. And eventually we became 4 (siblings)... and now more... and our sibling love grew. But Austen and I will always have that special bond. For those of you who don't know, my brother struggled with addiction for a long time. Thursday he lost that battle. I can't believe it's only been two days. It feels like it's been an eternity since my mom (SMom, in this post) called me to tell me. I have amazing friends from school that took me home, packed me, booked me a flight, and got me to the airport. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you. A little about my brother... Austen, "Bubs," was someone that could always mak...
I love Christmas! The bright colors. Cool weather. Merry music. Everyone in a good mood. Holiday parties. Gifts. Family. Friends. And of yeah, lots of great deals! ;) But Christmas isn't something everyone looks forward to. This Christmas will be our last to go visit family (on the actual day), as next year we'll start our own traditions. So this Christmas is a little bittersweet for us. I'm so excited to do our own thing next year, but I also want to relish in the traditions I've enjoyed up till now. Christmas Eve morning at the Galleria, watching holiday shoppers hustle and bustle about, trying to get last minute gifts. Then going to lunch with my dad and his siblings. Our big annual Christmas Eve party. Midnight church... which has recently turned into afternoon church. Who can really stay up that late and then get up early Christmas morning? The gift unwrapping free for all at one house and then going to the next house and being expected to take turns openin...
Unless you are part of the small percentage of people who truly enjoy a good surprise, this may come as a shock to you. We aren't finding out. That's right... we aren't finding out whether the baby is a boy or a girl until birth. Call us old-fashioned. We just thought that would be fun! And we aren't telling name choices either... That may have some of you way too worked up. The boy/girl thing is more because we want to be surprised. I would be frugal in the nursery anyway and do a gender-neutral theme that can be reused for future children, so as far as the nursery goes, it's better I don't know whether the baby is a boy or girl. Makes me be more creative! The name thing is basically because we don't want a bunch of opinions. Our families have a lot of opinions! And they are normally good! But we just wanted to make our decision on this without outside influence. Plus what if we decided to name a girl Kate but she looks more like a Heather? (Those ar...
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