An Update on Lil, Sleeping, Chickens, etc

Some updates for ya...

1. Lilleigh - She is doing MUCH better! Yea! Her fever broke Tuesday night, and she's been oh so happy ever since! Yea! Her runny nose is lingering, but we can manage that. Meanwhile, I got sick Wednesday night (on top of the cold I already had), but after some elderberry Brendon picked up at Sprouts, I've been feeling much better! And today my cold seems to almost be gone! ...Just in time for Brendon to get a cold. Ugh! No one told me how much sickness comes with having a baby! They get something from other babies, and then it spread through the house like wildfire! Pretty crazy.

2. Sleeping - Still not a whole lot of sleeping happening here. Lilleigh has been averaging two wake ups per night. (Notice the word "averaging.") This weekend her Mimi is in town, so we'll let Mimi sleep. But after this weekend, it's Lilleigh boot camp! It's like Ab Ripper X - "I hate it, but I love it." I'm prepared for several sleepless nights of crying. But Lilleigh was an expert sleeper early on, so I know she can get it together. Meanwhile, Brendon needs to get some ear plugs, and I need to come up with some craft and blogging projects to entertain me during those looong nights ahead... Any craft ideas welcome. Feel free to tag me on Pinterest. :) I plan to go to bed early these nights and then to have projects for Lil's wakeful crying hours. I'm thankful for an awesome neighbor who has already volunteered to watch Lil for an hour or so on Tuesday, so I can get in a nap!

3. Chickens - Both Henrietta and Clara Belle are now laying eggs! Have I mentioned that? Hmm well Brendon is also getting two more HENS tomorrow. So hopefully lots of eggs are in our future!

4. Grief Share - I've been attending a program called Grief Share that a local church puts on. (It's a nationwide ministry though. Check for it near you!) And it's been awesome. I started this class to deal with the loss of my brother. Even though it's been a year and a half and I've done A LOT of counseling since then, I thought it'd be helpful to walk through grief with others dealing with similar (or not so similar, depending on how you look at it) losses. At first I was put in a group with all widows, and that was not so helpful or beneficial. In fact it was a challenge for me, not only because I couldn't relate but also because I wanted to counsel them. (Maybe a new ministry opportunity for me once I finish this class?) Then last week I talked to another leader about it, and they switched me to a new group - one with lots of young women my age and one who even lost a sister. Last week was amazing! This is definitely where I need to be right now. And I'm so thankful for a wonderful husband to watch a sometimes crying (hungry - what are you gonna do when she refuses a bottle?) baby while I do this class! Thanks, B!

5. Lilleigh on solids - A friend just gave me a brilliant idea. I've been brainstorming how to integrate more finger foods into Lil's diet, mainly veggies, because this week she's refusing to allow me to feed her. So I've been giving softer foods that can easily be cut into small pieces: berries, bananas, beans, rice, cooked carrots, and that's about it - hence my need to brainstorm! Anyway my friend Randi said that when her daughter McKinley went through this phase, she gave her bits of bread dipped into the veggie puree. Brilliant! We started this today at snack time. PS If you have any more finger food veggie suggestions, send them my way please!

6. Here's a fun photo from this morning's brunch with friends! Lilleigh and I (and our friend Ashley, the pregnant one in the photo) met up with Amanda and her momma (not in the photo) who were in town visiting Amanda's brother Thomas! So fun seeing great friends! 


  1. Glad to hear Lil's fever broke and she's doing better! I've been nursing a cold myself all week..hoping and praying I won't give it to Makayla!! You say you took elderberry for your cold?? I was too afraid to take anything b/c of nursing..would love more info on this!

  2. Glad Lil is getting better--sorry you are feeling bad, though! When mom is sick...nothing goes right in the house! :) Hope you feel better soon! Love your not-gonna-give-up attitude on the feeding and sleeping! I learn so much from you! Great pic with your friends, too!


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