A Recap of This Past Week!

This past week Brendon was out of town, so Lil's Tita and Aunt Morgan came up to visit! Lil was toddling around the house this week calling "Ta-ta, Mo-mo" - super cute! We had a great time with them!

Playing at Chickfila

Don't you love their matching outfits?

And this weekend we helped host a neighborhood block party for Cinco de Mayo!

Lil sleepy from her 3-1/2 hour nap! (Woohoo!! Note: This is not normal. She was up A LOOONG time the night before, upset because Mom is trying to wean her.) Anyway, we were on our way to the party in this pic.

Playing with a Little Tikes car

Playing with her friend Ella. Aren't they super cute together? They look so much alike!

I missed getting photos of the bounce house while it was up, but you get the idea!

We are super involved in our neighborhood because we see our neighborhood as an outreach. We strongly feel that God has placed us where we are, so we want to take the opportunities He gives us to tell others about Him. Building relationships and forming a community is a great way to do that!


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