
Showing posts from July, 2010

Everyone likes a good surprise.

Unless you are part of the small percentage of people who truly enjoy a good surprise, this may come as a shock to you. We aren't finding out. That's right... we aren't finding out whether the baby is a boy or a girl until birth. Call us old-fashioned. We just thought that would be fun! And we aren't telling name choices either... That may have some of you way too worked up. The boy/girl thing is more because we want to be surprised. I would be frugal in the nursery anyway and do a gender-neutral theme that can be reused for future children, so as far as the nursery goes, it's better I don't know whether the baby is a boy or girl. Makes me be more creative! The name thing is basically because we don't want a bunch of opinions. Our families have a lot of opinions! And they are normally good! But we just wanted to make our decision on this without outside influence. Plus what if we decided to name a girl Kate but she looks more like a Heather? (Those ar...

My Growing Tummy... Not Yet a Bump

8 weeks... I tried this as a "before" pic. But I was already getting a little chub. My sister-in-law at 21 or 22 weeks and me at 9 weeks 10 weeks. The baby was the size of a lime. I posted these because I've been asked for pictures, but as you can tell, there's no real bump yet. It's the uncute pre-bump weight gain.

Grieving Takes Time

Have you heard this song ? I listened to it daily after my brother died. Somehow it brought me comfort. "The hands that hold the world are holding my heart." It's a good reminder. I needed it at the time. And I guess I still need it almost four months later. I began listening to it each morning when we were in Houston as I was getting ready to go with my dad for an early morning Starbucks. Those were sweet mornings with him. I don't know if any of you have ever lost someone close to you, but in the midst of so much pain, nothing else matters. Your whole world just stops. And it's the little things, like trips with a loved one to Starbucks, that really matter. My emotions were so raw then, but I wish I could have that sense of urgency back, that sense that all that matters is what is in front of me. I was just months away from graduating, finals and papers due in less than a month, and naturally I had not started. I don't know how to explain it, except that ...

My Great New and FREE Outdoor Decor

Friday I woke up at 5:30 AM... yes, in the summer... awful. I woke up to go browse the garage sales with a friend. She and her in-laws are hard core! It sounds insane to get up that early to garage sale, but I'm always so inspired by her 3500 sq ft house, which is ENTIRELY and tastefully decorated in garage sale items! It's amazing... I can't do it justice. Any who, I was inspired, and I so off I went to garage sale with she and her in-laws... in 100+ degree heat... until 11 AM! Seriously?! My pregnant body was exhausted!! I did have a couple of unnoteworthy finds. But again, unnoteworthy. What is noteworthy is this tiny bench my garage sale friend had stored away from a garage sale. She didn't have room for it, so she passed it along to me! And now it's sitting on my front porch! Perfect fit, don't ya think? Then last night we were walking to a neighbor's house, when we saw this bench that another neighbor had put out for heavy trash pick up. We'l...

Steve Jobs' Decision

Photo from I would just like to say thank you, Steve Jobs, for banning pornography apps on the iPhone and iPad. More access to this media one thing our country doesn't need. I facilitate a support group for wives of men with sexual addiction. It's heart breaking to sit with those women as they mourn the destruction of the marriages, weep the loss of their dreams, and vent the deception they believed. The ignorance our country shows in the face of sexual addiction is a knife to the heart. It's about time someone stood up for what's right. The media says you are now the "unlikely hero to the Christian right." This may be true - and I don't even mind that you're a Democrat. But I don't speak just as a Christian. I speak as an American. Pornography is killing our society. Sexual addiction breaks the heart of our women. It brings about rage in our children. And it destroys our men. Ask any recovering sex addict - coming clean brings a wav...


I have a confession to make. This is our wedding cake from three years ago. I saved it. Still. Here's my reasoning... My friend Amanda's parents STILL have their saved. (After at least 28 years... just a rough estimate.) And every year they all - kids too! - have a bite of it on her parents' anniversary. I thought that was so sweet and cute. I want to do that too! And as long as it's frozen, it will last! Hubby thinks the idea is gross. (But don't be fooled - it still tastes yummy.) I think it's cute and sweet. I now open this up to you... risky, I know. What are your thoughts?

Pregnancy So Far

Today I am 10 weeks!! Here's a picture of the sweet little gummy bear growing inside me. Totally looks like a gummy bear - doesn't it? Here's what I've experience thus far... Exhaustion ! Oh my word. I'm so tired. I must nap each day. My dog knows our daily nap schedule now. I tell her it's nap time, and she scurries to the bedroom. So naps are a must! And even with a nap, I head to bed between 8 and 9. Nausea started up right at 6 weeks... but not the vomiting kind, which I'm thankful for. Around dinner time I start to get nauseous, so my dinner time has become 4:30 or 5... yes, I now eat with the old people. And if I am still hungry, I'll grab a smoothie. After about 6 or 7, the texture of food disgusts me, so a smoothie (with protein powder) seems to do the trick to satisfy my hunger and pump some nutrients in me! Again though, I have not been vomiting, and there's a lot to be said for that. I have had friends with TERRIBLE "morning...

Five Fingers

I kinda want some of these. I know, I know. They look completely weird. But I'm sure you've seen guys wearing them. So hubby read all about them and decided he needed some! (The mail version and in black, of course. See his here .) So before our anniversary dinner last night, we went to Tyler's! I was intrigued, so I tried some on too. And now I can't stop thinking about them... Completely weird looking. But incredibly comfortable. I think maybe they'd strengthen my foot, where I have an injury. They could be the new fashion trend. What do you think?

Two Posts in a Day = Breaking News

Two posts in a day? That means big news! It's true! We found out the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, when we were going to Houston, and we could hardly wait to tell our families. So we hurried and took this picture! I ran to Hobby Lobby and bought five cute mini frames for our five parents. Then I ordered the pictures online at and had them printed in Houston. Then when we drove to Houston, I ran in to pick them up, and then framed them to give to our parents that weekend! Speedy, huh? Okay enough about the picture... Baby Lankford is due February 4th, which means I am almost 10 weeks along! I'll give a pregnancy update later, but just wanted to fill you all in. Year 4 of marriage definitely has a lot in store for us

Happy Three Years!

Today hubby and I are celebrating three years of marriage! I don't even know what to say, except that I am so thankful to have my best friend as my husband. I can't imagine facing some of the trials and sorrows that have come our way without him. And the joys wouldn't be the same either. Thanks, B, for always being there. I love you! Happy three year anniversary!