My Great New and FREE Outdoor Decor

Friday I woke up at 5:30 AM... yes, in the summer... awful. I woke up to go browse the garage sales with a friend. She and her in-laws are hard core! It sounds insane to get up that early to garage sale, but I'm always so inspired by her 3500 sq ft house, which is ENTIRELY and tastefully decorated in garage sale items! It's amazing... I can't do it justice. Any who, I was inspired, and I so off I went to garage sale with she and her in-laws... in 100+ degree heat... until 11 AM! Seriously?! My pregnant body was exhausted!! I did have a couple of unnoteworthy finds. But again, unnoteworthy.

What is noteworthy is this tiny bench my garage sale friend had stored away from a garage sale. She didn't have room for it, so she passed it along to me! And now it's sitting on my front porch! Perfect fit, don't ya think?

Then last night we were walking to a neighbor's house, when we saw this bench that another neighbor had put out for heavy trash pick up. We'll take it. Thank you!


  1. Wow..GREAT finds! I love to go to yard sales..but this year I haven't done as well as last year for some reason. Love the stone on your front porch..beautiful!


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