20 Weeks

I am now 20 weeks... well almost 21, I guess. The baby is as long as a banana! It's been kicking a lot - but not hard yet, just cute kicks. And Brendon has been able to feel it, which is fun! And I've been feeling great! Second trimester truly is bliss!

We went to the doctor today, and it is 12 oz. From what they can see, everything looks healthy! Heart beat is 144 - aka healthy. And we got to see him or her sucking their thumb - A LOT! It actually switched thumbs a couple times, I'm pretty sure, and then tried to get it's whole fist in its mouth! We told the tech that we did not want to know the baby's gender... and apparently the baby does not want us to know either because it was sitting Indian style. So the tech couldn't even tell. Although I will say, it did take a break to kick my bladder... delightful child!

Here's it's profile. There were several pictures, but this is the clearest. Little Baby Lankford has its hand under its chin.

The doctor said the placenta is still really close to my cervix (Is that right? I can't remember) - basically I kinda have placenta previa. But it's not a big deal at this point. 1 out of 10 women have it at this stage. The placenta should move up on its own and go away.

Other baby news...

The bedding came in on Monday, and it's precious!! I am excited to get the crib and put it all together.

And to say I have been researching strollers may be an understatement. I have been to Buy Buy Baby... where I have at least two more trips planned... I have been reading Baby Bargains and Amazon reviews. Why can't a stroller be light, compact, sturdy, have a great storage basket, cup holder, easily convert for two kids (for later on), and be priced well? Okay even taking off the "priced well" part... still have yet to find one meeting all of this... So here's what I'm leaning towards...

Okay so this is what I have been leaning towards and still am at the moment anyway... but let's be honest. I might change my mind. Isn't the orange cute though? And it folds up so quick and little (stroller little)! For those of you without kids, let me just tell you, strollers are fascinating! And it's unbelievable how expensive some are!! Crazy!


  1. i know you are not finding out....but i believe in the heart beat law- it proved true for me both times- so i say it's a G!!....only a few more months and you'll know!!!
    oh and i don't think buy buy baby has the zippy-
    but in comparison to our BOB which reid always looked super uncomfortable in, brooks loved sitting up in, seeing the world, and having the bumper bar or snack tray to hold on to- ergonomic handles make it feel like you're pushing with a bar vs handles too...
    a lot of my friends have the city mini as their umbrella stroller and LOVE IT!!!! You can't go wrong with the mini!!
    (i agree with your friend who commented about having a 'snap n go'...so worth it for the beginning- find it on consignment or craigs.)

  2. Love that ultrasound pic...already scholarly and thinking! ;) Reflecting in the womb! I can't even imagine picking out a stroller! Nine months seems like a while, but with all the decisions, I'm sure it's flying by. Maybe I should get a jump-start on baby decisions before actually getting pregnant. ;) I really like your choice, though...the orange is fun! Glad you're feeling wonderful!

  3. I LOVE that stroller!!! Orange is my color so if I was having a baby that would be my pick too..lol! Glad to hear everything is going so well!!!! Bet you guys are getting excited..your at the halfway point!


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