Colorado, Part 2

After visiting B's grandparents, we headed over to Breckenridge! My dad recently bought a place there, and since he was there for the week, we decided to visit him as well.

I love Breckenridge! Such a cute town! One day we took the gondola to the top of peaks 7 and 8 to eat and play put-put!

Eventually we headed home, through New Mexico, where we had some friends from church we stopped to see and stay with for a night. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of that! (Bad, photographer!) But here's a picture of our stop on the way there. We stopped at the Rio Grande Gorge. I was too chicken to go all the way to the middle though, where you can stand directly above the gorge and look out. No thank you.

And our drive back...

Sammy was tired of riding in the car.

It was good to get home!


  1. Love your pictures from your trip! I'd LOVE to visit Colorado one day..looks like such a beautiful state!


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