The Nursery
I know some of you have asked, so here it is! The nursery. Just a little note first... I decided to wait to make the Texas flag Pottery Barn painting until I know the gender. If the baby's a boy, I definitely want to still make it! But if it's a girl, I'm really loving our pink and green glider cushions, so I may mix in some more pink and green. And of course, with a boy, I would make new cushion covers for the glider. Either way, I have some more decorating to do! I do love projects! Okay now for the photos. Here's the nursery, thus far. And the closet... Our baby already has quite the book and toy collection! And as you can see, we have lots of rubber ducky pajamas! We even got four of one - but all in different sizes! You'd think our friends coordinated that! You can also see that others of our friends have guessed at the baby's gender... some pink, some blue. It makes it so fun! Think we have enough diapers? While I do plan t...