What we do all day.

I love being a stay at home mom! I feel so blessed that I get to stay at home with sweet Lilleigh. I've been asked many times by friends what Lilleigh and I do all day. I think many people get the impression that being a stay at home moms means I am either sitting at home drinking mojitos each day or standing in my kitchen twiddling my thumbs. Let me assure you that neither are true.

While I am incredibly thankful to be able to stay home, being a stay at home mom is neither a walk in the park or a bore. It's a busy job! We have fun things scheduled during the week, and during Lilleigh's naps, I try to keep up with cooking, laundry, and cleaning, which to be honest isn't always possible. But my husband doesn't complain! Oh and I blog too! :)

When Lilleigh is awake, we play, sing songs, read books, change diapers, eat, go on walks (when it's not too hot), and just have fun! I love her active time! I think many of the people who picture a stay at home mom having all the cooking and cleaning done forget that someone has to care for and entertain the baby!

A typical week looks like...
Monday - Possibly meet up with a friend for lunch, have a play date, or some other fun activity.
Tuesday - Bible study with other moms and babies at our house in the afternoon.
Wednesday - Swimming lessons in the morning. We also sometimes have neighborhood play groups in the afternoon.
Thursday - Play group in the afternoon.
Friday - Run errands. (Though Monday and Friday are interchangeable.)

I try to be flexible and not keep Lil on too rigid of a schedule. While schedules are great, especially for someone type A like me, I choose not to keep Lil on one. My personal preference. The hope is that she will be go with the flow.

This does not mean that I am Mommy Loosey Goosey. While I love taking Lil out and being active, I am actually very intentional to not overbook us. I really try not to have more than one main event each day for Lil's sake - well, and mine! I can let Lil miss one nap, but I try to let her get the other two in. (She's a three nap napper. Typical for her age.)

As you can see from our week above, we are on-the-go a lot during the week, so truthfully, I long for the days that we can stay home all day! This means Lil gets all 3 naps, and I might actually get dinner cooked AND the house cleaned! Imagine that! Plus it's just nice not having to cart a baby around... nice to slow down!

Here are some photos and videos of us at our different activities...

Lil with her baby friends at swimming lessons. The instructor is a friend's mom. She's teaching the babies to hold their breath, kick, and even roll onto their backs in the water. Lil can do the first two. We're getting there! Yea, Lil! ...By the way, something cool - all three babies in this photo were delivered by my midwife.

Lil (third from the right, yellow dress and pink diaper) with her play group friends!

Lilleigh and her friend Felicity having a play date before Bible study

Okay so occasionally Mommy uses free time at home to dress Lil up for photo shoots. But who wouldn't want to photograph this cute munchkin?

Lil playing with toys - her favorite activity when we have a nice leisurely day at home.

Mommy and Lil at Baby Bounce, which is a free event put on a few times a week by our public library. Lil LOVED it!  

And here's a video of Baby Bounce. It's shaky, and really not a great video at all, just to be honest. But it gives you an idea of what Baby Bounce is. And why Lil loves it - music, clapping, and LOTS of other mommies and babies!

This post was a little all over the place, but hopefully you were able to follow. Hope you enjoyed the glimpse into our life at home!


  1. aw loved a glimpse into your day! :) what a blessed little gal Lil is to have you as her mommy!! wish we lived closer so we could have play dates once Adeline is here! :)

  2. I love the new blog title! Also, love remembering how talented Brendon is!

  3. People have no idea how hard it can be to be a SAHM! I try to keep Haiden and I somewhat busy and always try to find inexpensive outings outside of the house - I think it's as beneficial for me as it is him. You are lucky to know so many people with children close in age!

  4. Reminds me of the article that Ashley B posted on FB a few weeks ago.

  5. Haha I do know the article you're talking about. But it's not really meant in response to any comments like that. I get more inquisitive (genuinely curious) questions, not petty ones.


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