Grammy came for a visit!

This past weekend, Brendon's mom, Grammy, came for a visit! She actually stayed at the Four Seasons Las Colinas (totally worth checking out if you haven't!) for a couple nights. This was such a treat because we were able to go hang out there and swim!

Lil liked Grammy's hot pink hat.

Drinking water like a big girl. She actually tries to grab our cups, straws, food, etc ALL the time! So if I'm drinking water or milk, I'll give her a sip. Funny because she normally looks at me like I'm crazy afterwards! But she really just loved the water this time!

Two little cuties! Haha. Lil was loving sucking the juice out of the cuties. She actually sucked too hard and sucked the whole slice from my fingers into her mouth! Ay!! Luckily Mommy grabbed it quickly before she should choke. The lesson? Hold on tight!

Daddy and Lilleigh playing!

Do you see her teeth?? Yes, that's right - plural. Tooth #2 broke through this weekend!

Then on Saturday afternoon, Val came to hang out at our house. And Brendon hung up Lilleigh's swing! That was one of those "Honey Do" projects. I think Brendon is thankful to have that crossed off his list! Mommy and Lilleigh are happy about that too!

Lilleigh loves her swing!

Saturday night, Grammy stayed at our house and watched Lilleigh so that Brendon and I could go out for a much needed date night! This was such a blessing!! It was wonderful to reconnect. Since we don't live near family, we jump at the chance to get out just the two of us for a date night! Thanks, Grammy, for coming up!


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