Loving Colorado

We just recently got back from our road trip to Colorado (hence the lack of blog posts), where we visited with lots of family and hung out in the cool and rainy weather (both of which Texas had been lacking until our return).

We drove up to Breckenridge in a day! Yes, with a baby and a dog! The dog is actually easy. And amazingly Lilleigh was a trooper! She fussed some at nap times, but other than that, she didn't even have a meltdown until bedtime when she was still stuck in her car seat - that's HUGE! I would have had a meltdown way before that...

Happy baby in the car!

We got to see the dog trials, where Border Collies corralled sheep. It sounds boring, but it's amazing what these dogs can be trained to do! Just take my word for it - you'll have to check it out sometime. I think my favorite part of the dog trials (which is more of a festival really because you can walk around to different events) was the agility course. Dogs participated in relay races! Just crazy! I took photos, but they don't do the event justice, so we'll skip them.

Not only did we get to see Brendon's grandparents while we were there, but we also crossed paths with his mom, my dad, and some of my Kansas family too. 

Here are some photos from our trip!

Playing in the grass... we love digging our toes into Colorado's "carpet grass"
Lots of rain during the dog trials, unfortunately
Walking into town in Breckenridge to grab a Starbucks! It was COLD! 

By the way the double stroller in the photos is one I found at a garage sale to take up to the grandparents' house in Colorado to be used by the cousins... there's no announcement here. Just thought I'd clarify! ;)


  1. haha love that comment about the stroller. I remember reading that it was to share with the cousins...but then when I saw no cousins and you were using it, I was wondering. ;)

    Colorado looks beautiful even if you did have rainy weather!

    That Lil is quite the traveler...love it!

  2. It's so beautiful there! Lil's beautiful, too. Glad it all worked out and sorry she's sick now. Having a sick baby is no fun, especially since you can't do much to make them better.


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