The Nursery - GIRLified!

Back before our little pumpkin was born, I showed you our gender neutral nursery. I thought I loved it then. I had big plans for how I'd change it if we had a boy. And though I was hoping for a girl, I had no idea how I'd spruce up the nursery for a girl. Just knew we'd add pink!

But then in the spring, we got a Pottery Barn catalog that had super cute paper flower cut outs on the walls advertising "Lily" bedding. Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, I'm sad to say that the images of the flowers are not online. They are only in the catalog. Photos of the bedding collection online are too close up. So if you don't get their catalog, you'll just have to trust me that it was super cute!

So with that inspiration in mind and the cute green and pink flowered glider which we already had, I decided to play up the green and pink for the nursery. My goal is to be able to reuse as much of the baby stuff as possible if we were to ever have a boy and make it boyish. That was the idea behind gender neutral. Well, that and the fact that we didn't know before hand if we were having a girl or boy. But you get the idea.

The girlified nursery...

Your view when you walk into her room.

The view when sitting on the bed in her room. The door on the right is where I was standing when I took the photo before this one. And the door on the left is the bathroom. Just trying to orient you.
I saw the hooks above the changing table on Pinterest and loved the idea of being able to hang outfits on them. It's a cute idea, but Lilleigh loves pulling things off of them. So other than for show, it doesn't get used much.
Don't mind my camera strap in the bottom left corner of the photo...

Where we feed and glide. The glider was a hand-me down from my sister's room. I just love it!
And the blanket on it was made by a friend. It's super soft! And isn't it beautiful?
The pom-poms were made for a shower I threw, but I loved them too much to throw them away!
And the door... it actually goes outside! How weird is that? One of the oddities of a house from 1959. We put an alarm on it and then put furniture in front of it... pretending it's not there!

The chair was Lil's Easter present from my dad.
And the door goes to Lil's closet. 

This painting was a birthday gift a friend gave me in college. The colors just matched well! But I may actually have to find a new place for it because I want to paint this on a canvas to put in this space.

A close up of the paper flowers. They're so springtime-y!

The cross and denim pillows were made by a good friend's mom and given to me in high school.
The bunny actually has Lilleigh's name on its ear, and its name is Hoppy! The sweet kids I used to babysit for gave it to Lilleigh. They each have their own.
I made the big pink pillow. I just love the fabric! So soft.
And the wooly mammoth or elephant (its debatable) is from Brendon's sister, who has superb taste in stuffed animals!

Pom-poms! Yea! And the frame was a gift from a sweet friend. She's so good to coordinate it with Lil's room.

And the bow holder which hangs in the bathroom!

And what was Lilleigh doing while I was taking all of these photos?

Rolling around in her crib, of course!


  1. I love love LOVE the paper flowers and tree branch you have around the windows!! What a neat idea!

  2. The flowers turned out great! I remember those from the catalog and liked the dimension it gave the room. Hopefully, I'll get to see it next month. We need to start a new email chain with Rands about getting the little girls together when I'm there!


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