The Promise I Have No Right To Make

Despite the fact that I am home all day, getting things done around the house doesn't seem to be as easy as one would think. Most of the time, I set up a play area for Lilleigh with all of her toys to entertain her, while I go turn off the stove or start a load of laundry. Despite all if the entertain options, every time it seems that I am interrupted with the same whining sound - ehhhhhhh - only to have that whine get louder and louder. She can only be silenced when I pick her up.

In response to such whining, a common phrase around our house has become: I promise, I am not going to leave you, silly girl. But that's a promise that I know isn't mine to make. I am reminded of Isaiah 49:15,
Can a woman forget her nursing child
And have no compassion on the son of her womb?
Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.
How can that be? I feel as if I could never forget her. How powerful God's love for us must be.

And another thought, Job 14:5
Since his days are determined,
The number of his months is with You;
And his limits You have set so that he cannot pass. 
Who am I to make such a promise? A promise that I'll never leave her. Do I determine my days? And for that matter, does making this promise matter anyway? It doesn't stop the whining.

And then I am reminded of the One who can make such a promise. "For He Himself has said, ''I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you' (Hebrews 13:5). But why then do I find myself at times begging him to stay with me, not to leave me. He's already promised me He won't. And His promises aren't like mine. They're based in a love I can't even fathom. A love I can only long to understand.

And though I don't totally get it, I am thankful that I don't have to keep whining. He's heard me. He's picked me up. And He won't let me go.


  1. This is AWESOME! :-) Thanks for such a great post this morning!

  2. What a good word, Ashleigh. Thanks for sharing. His love is incredible! Can't wait to learn more about it when we start having children.

  3. what a great reminder! And what a wonderful thought as a mommy...that even if you can't promise her that, God promises to never leave her.


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