
It occurred to me recently that I sure do spend a whole lot of time being fearful. I had never noticed it either. It's something my counselor pointed out to me - leave it to those counselors!

But at times, I'm struck with paralysis. I want to say something to a loved one about how an event or statement affected me, about my feelings, but I stop myself. If I say that to that person, they might feel {insert emotion}. I have this problem of taking on other people's emotions. AKA codependency. If I say something and someone feels a certain way in response to what I said, I feel immediately at fault. But something I'm learning - I am not responsible for the way someone else feels. Period.

Another scenario: Something I know to be wrong is unfolding right before my eyes and I sit there dumbstruck, thinking, What do I do? It'd be too awkward to {insert action or words here}. That should be cue. >Fear alert!< Back away from that thought and strongly consider saying what you are fight to or not to say.

I share this because it occurred to me that this struggle with fear is something the Lord talks about consistently in Scripture. Both in the Old Testament and the New. So apparently I'm not the only one struggling with this. And Scripture is very clear that we are only to fear the Lord, that fearing anything else is not honoring to Him. And this fear is certainly not from Him.

I found countless places in Scripture that commanded us to fear the Lord. And countless passages also stating, "Do not be afraid, for I [God] am with you." Sounds like another commandment to me.

What really got me though was this next passage:

1 John 4:17-19 (NIV)

17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
 19 We love because he first loved us.


  1. Thanks for sharing what was on your heart. I'm guilty too of letting fear strike. Such a great reminder, that fear does not come from God, and we have to release those fears and trust Him. A constant battle...yet so important to fight!


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