Frugal Friday

Tomorrow, my friend Jessica and I are hosting a swap! We have friends that are really into garage sale shopping, so we though this might be a fun idea. Everyone has things lying around that they don't use and that seem boring to them, and of course, their friends love these same items that they have deemed unlovable. So why not swap, right? You get rid of your stuff and get new stuff. And free is always good! Anyways so we had this thought, and then a couple weeks later, Real Simple printed an article on how to host a swap! So we took their ideas and sent out an evite (By the way, Evite has a really cute Real Simple swap invitation.) to all of our friends! As of now, I don't have a lot to report because the swap is tomorrow, but hopefully it will be a success! I'll def report back later!
For details on how to host one, check out Real Simple's article.

Also fitting for this Frugal Friday post... Super Target has organic (and conventional) strawberries on sale this week! $3/lb, which is awesome! Plus they have $1 off coupon on their website. So $2 each is unbelievable! I was a little excited... I may have bought a few too many packages of strawberries, but they're just so good! Yum!


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