Marriage Ministry

As many of you know, I have a heart for healthy marriages. My dream would be to be involved with something that matters, that makes a difference in the marriages of this country.

Statistics show that fifty-percent of marriages in America end in divorce. Sadly, this statistic is just as true for Christians as it is for non-Christians. To be honest, knowing that there is absolutely no difference in the divorce rate between these two groups makes me cringe. Truly, this statistic is embarrassing. The fact of the matter is that, as Christians, our marriages should look different. Our marriages should be so God-centered that they act as a testimony to unbelievers. I recognize that this is easier said than done, but no one said following Christ would be easy.

Given all of this, I would love to be involved in marital enrichment. But unfortunately, my church, like many others, doesn't have any type of marital enrichment program. And you can only volunteer to help create such a program so many times. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for God to open a door.

Given that I am fresh out of a course on marital enrichment, I have come to realize that for a church to not have a marital enrichment program doesn't cut it. People are hurting. Entire families are hurting. What an amazing ministry opportunity! Why miss out? These people are longing for more. Who are we to withhold God's truth for their marriages from them? Plus if God ordained marriage as a sacred institution at the very beginning, in Genesis 2, we should be just as quick to minister to couples' needs.

I would be kidding you all if I said I had some awesome plan for marital enrichment. But to tell you the truth, I think Watermark's ReEngage looks pretty good. I've been there several times to get a taste for what they are doing. The idea is: On a scale from 1-10, whether your marriage is a 2 and headed for divorce, or an 8 and you just want to be a 10, ReEngage is for you. God's truly at work through these team leaders. More churches need to step up to the plate and do something about this.


  1. Oh my goodness, me too! This is my passion too and I def want to get involved in my church doing premarital counseling.
    Love your blog!=)


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