Movie Review: Up

Picture courtesy of the Up movie poster.

Last night the hubby and I had a last minute, low key date night to the food court and the mall AMC to see Up. Anything Pixar is great, so I expected nothing less. Plus, I had read a couple of interviews with the producers, discussing the Christian undertones of the movie - creations, relationships, marriage, etc. The movie definitely lived up to its expectations. The plot threw me off a bit. I guess I wasn't sure what the plot would be like. But the sweet messages in the movie almost made me a little teary.

is a really sweet movie that touches the heart of humanity. We were made to be in relationships. The writers and producers definitely understand this, and I think that is precisely the point they tried to get across. Furthermore, the relationships woven throughout this movie are great examples; they are God-honoring and admirable. Up gets an A in my book.

Here's one of the articles about Up. The other was in the magazine, World, so sorry I don't have that one.


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